Tuesday, February 12, 2013

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Dreams DO come true!

By: Bee On: 11:38 AM
  • Let's Get Social
  • PNG

    Now that the blog is about to turn 2, I think I should tell you a little story about me(if you are a regular reader, then you might have put the pieces together). Ever since I was little, I had two paths I wanted to follow in my life: writing, as an author (and later it become my desire to be a fashion journalist) and medicine. When I opened this blog, it was more about writing, I just felt like I needed to practice and see if I have any ability to foresee fashion trends.  Still, as soon as my blog started to grow, I found myself in love with photography, and I could clearly see that my readers responded better to posts of my outfits than my general fashion articles (this was, after all, my personal blog, so I guess this made sense).

    Of course I love to expose my fahion knowledge around here as well, but I couldn't see how I can make out of my writing a viable career, so I chose to start studying for medicine. I couldn't have made a better decision, although it will be harder for me, I want to become a doctor and still keep fashion and writing as my dearest hobbies. 

    A couple of weeks ago, one of my biggest dreams came true: the owners of a new fashion site for teenagers, TeenyStyle saw potential in my writing and asked me if I would like to write trend reports and fashion advice for teens. I wouldn't have guessed from the beggining how this can bring me such an imense satisfaction, ever since I started I am just paying more attention to the people on the street and editorials to spot some new subjects to write about. I cannot believe that this way I can keep studying for medicine and yet have a stronger connection to fashion than I did before!

    I would really apreciate if you made some time to read the pieces I did so far, because after all you, my dear readers , are my best advisers!  You'll notice everything is in a quite different style:

    And.. wait...there's more to it:

    What I love about this new site is the cool concept that you can submit a photo of your outfit and once it is approved it gets on the main page. If you are a blogger, like me, than you must know how much this exposure helps you, so I think you should give it a try!

    Also, thanks to Alexandra for sending this scan of me in Bravo Girl Germany January:


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