♪ Lana del Rey- Paris ♪
As a child, I had one fashion pet peeve: pink. As I grew older, I started to accept it as a color appropiate for accessories, sometimes even for blouses. Now, I see it as a state of mind. I like to surround myself with this colour, though not excessively. As much as I would like to 'think pink', I am not the optimistic type so I guess I have this need because I want to remind myself constantly that there are reasons to be happy and relax. It's such a joyful colour and that's why I bought my beloved Marc Jacobs Ipad case in this bright fuchsia shade (or honeysuckle?). I've always dreamed of a big poster/illustration/painting to replace my moodboard and I wanted it to have a strong message, something I would really like to do someday.
So, when I found this poster with a quote of the incredible Audrey, about PARIS and pink all over it, I knew I had to have it! Also, here is my favourite quote of Audrey Hepburn, which fits with the theme perfectly:
(Blame it on the Christmas spirit, I feel so light and happy!)
(Blame it on the Christmas spirit, I feel so light and happy!)
PS: Don't forget to enter the awesome giveaway where you can win a Marc Jacobs bracelet! 100 entries already, wow!
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