♪ Beyonce 7/11 ♪
Okay, I can't believe my last post was in October!! I feel like my life has been put on fast forward ever since I got into Med School. It's tiring and stressing because the University I chose likes to keep things old school, so I have at least 2 tests and one project every week. My best friend studies Medicine as well, in another town and she isn't so busy and sleep deprived as I am, but I've come to terms with the fact that I have to study harder, because it will help me for the finals in January. Although it's a massive amount of information to be learned in the course of 12 weeks, I love it, especially the Anatomy of the human body.
A lot has changed in my life. My cousin Alex turned 18 and I tried to prepare him a rad surprise (he states that I pulled that off). He had an awesome birthday party, I really needed a night with some of my close friends. I got another roommate and I adore her!! We support each other and know where to draw the line when it comes to studying ( meaning we take some shopping breaks and we go out for dinner in fancy places when we feel we've had enough). Last night we had the Freshers Ball, hence we are tired and haven't been able to read a single line for the upcoming Anatomy exam (which is a MAJOR thing, you can't even imagine the pressure). I decided to take this day off and do the things I love most: talking with my family, listening to good music and blogging. Mom took these photos in
late October or early November (?? can't really remember at this point) when I bought this pretty floral H&M dress. I've been wearing it a lot this whole autumn, it has an amazing fabric and it's perfect for both school and get-togethers with my friends.
One thing I truly miss is the voice of my readers. It's a compromise I wasn't really willing to take when I started Med School, and I hate that I don't really have the time of energy to blog. So, what I want to know: are you still out there? I've been trying to post often on Instagram so we can keep in touch, but it's just not the same!! I used to write a recommandation about a book, a song or a movie in every single post, now I have 5 new book and haven't had time to even open one. What I can advise you, though, is to go & watch Interstellar!! Christopher Nolan is a brilliant director ( Inception will always be one of my favourites) and this movie emphasizes the power of love like no other!
H&M dress, Moschino bag, Zara boots, Naf Naf coat
One thing I truly miss is the voice of my readers. It's a compromise I wasn't really willing to take when I started Med School, and I hate that I don't really have the time of energy to blog. So, what I want to know: are you still out there? I've been trying to post often on Instagram so we can keep in touch, but it's just not the same!! I used to write a recommandation about a book, a song or a movie in every single post, now I have 5 new book and haven't had time to even open one. What I can advise you, though, is to go & watch Interstellar!! Christopher Nolan is a brilliant director ( Inception will always be one of my favourites) and this movie emphasizes the power of love like no other!
H&M dress, Moschino bag, Zara boots, Naf Naf coat