♪ Lykke Li- I'm Good, I'm Gone ♪
I'm making a real effort here by posting this- not only because I want to keep you updated, but also because so many things happened in my life in the course of two weeks that I'm afraid that in one year from now I'll forget everything, and I have to write this- let's call it diary entry in order to remember everything.
So, I moved to Iasi two weeks ago and I'm currently a Med student. As mom would put it: "You had more awful things happen to you in Iasi in two weeks than you would have in one year in our hometown". I moved in the most adorable dorm room- I consider it perfect, but I've been having all sorts of unfortunate things happen: the window wouldn't open, the door wouldn't close, the toilet wouldn't work (this was by far the most terrifying thing, we had to call for the plumbers two times). It didn't happen all at once- just gradually, As soon as I'd take care of one problem, another one would pop. My heart's pounding as I'm writing this, because I'm not spending the night in my dorm room and I'm afraid of what I might find there tomorrow (please, enough with the bad luck?). I also caught the nastiest cold and I was bitten by a dog (thank God my sympatetic nervous system kicked in and I ran like a professional athlete until it got tired of chasing me) - so there have been some minor health issues.
Adulthood wise, I'm doing far better than I expected. It's hard to be on your own ( I can rely on my aunt for support when things go south, fortunately!!) but I can't say I dislike it. I'm also missing my family like crazy and they came to visit me this weekend (I didn't know I can hug them so many times in one day) and fortunately, I also manage to keep in touch with my friends. I still don't realize that my best friend Simona doesn't live in the same town as I do, we talk all the time and I just feel like she's super close to me. In fact, these are the last photos she took for the blog before we both left our hometown. There is no one to take photos of me for the blog yet, nor time.
Okay, I mean, time wise, I can manage to squeeze some hours to go out with my friends (another post about time management as a Med student will follow). Last night we went to see David Fincher's Gone Girl. Most of the movies he directed are on my "Forever Favourite Films" list, like "Seven" , "Fight Club", "The Social Network", "Zodiac", "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and I've just added "Gone Girl" to the list as well..Mindblowing, intense and brilliant- I would need a whole different post just to describe how much of an impact it has, but then again, I'm running out of time!
Moschino bag, Zara skirt, BSB shirt, Fossil watch, Zara belt