♪ Kanye West- Good Life ♪
I know I promised I would get back to blogging, but I've been away for a week visiting my cousins in Iasi (the city which I'll be calling home starting October). I can never find myself up for blogging when I'm in Iasi, because there are so many places to see and so many friends to meet! Plus, the cinema is so great, I would spend days watching movies there! I went to see "The Hundred Foot Journey" first and I have to say, I've never seen such a tasteful comedy in the 21st century. It's a movie full of heart, with an incredible script and lovely characters, it reminds me of the good old comedies and yet it has an unique vibe- very "Slumdog Millionaire" meets "Ratatouille", and with a dash of "Julie&Julia" as well.
I couldn't resist going to see "Sin City: A dame to kill for" as well. Great plot and actors, loved the new villain (spoiler alert: the dame!) and it's just classic Sin City style, I could watch countless sequels. The movie did feel kind of short though, and it's not as good as the first one, but it's worth watching!
Finally, let's talk about these photos. Simona took them on the first day we arrived in Brasov, when we went to explore the city, visit the Black Church and had the most insane and productive shopping session! We stopped at this particular place first because we loved the neatness and the wonderful building, the City Hall. I love how most old buildings in Brasov have flowers hanging on the balconies, it reminded me so much of Tuscany. I've been wanting to show you this comfy dress ever since June, when I bought it, but with my finals and college admission I didn't think I would be able to. It's one of those bargains you find every once in a while at H&M, and it has such a soft fabric and pretty print, it served me well this summer!
H&M dress, Accessorize bag, Fossil watch, Otter flats

Our hotel room had the best selfie light ever, I couldn't help myself!!

H&M dress, Accessorize bag, Fossil watch, Otter flats

Our hotel room had the best selfie light ever, I couldn't help myself!!