Photo Credit: Cristian Alexandrescu Photography
Although I had one major exam this week and I still have another coming up on Tuesday, I decided to take a break from the exhausting life as a highschool student in her final year. Therefore, I'm in my favourite city in the world (sorry Paris, I love you, but I wouldn't be able to live as a Parisian!): Iași. There is a certain serenity and peace here. Whenever I feel lost, sad or have a writer's block, I feel the urge to visit this beautiful city. The truly exciting part is that if I get admitted into the university I want, I will live here.
Most of the times, I dream and make plans about moving. But I just came across these beautiful pictures Cristi took of me a couple of weeks ago in my little city and I'm thinking: will I ever be able to do this? I know this is the most natural thing that comes with growing up: moving. But for me this change also means staying away from most of my friends, because they will attend universities in other cities (and even countries!). I'm conflicted: on one hand, as I'm looking through the window right now in Iasi I'm thinking: "Yes! I want to live my whole life here!" , and on the other hand, as I'm looking at these photos I wonder how will I be able to keep in touch with some people who are really important in my life (especially mom & dad, I can't imagine waking up and not finding them in the house). I guess in the end I have to accept these major changes and hope that I will make new friends in this beautiful city while still reconnecting with my highschool mates.
Oh well, I still have three full months left until that turning point, so let's talk about fashion ( cause this is what the blog's about, right?). I may haven't had time to post outfit photos this winter, but I will tell you what I wore mostly: SWEATER DRESSES. So comfy while still tight, they always keep you warm, they go great with boots: what not to love? My favourite one is from Zara ( you may have seen it on my Instagram) and as spring arrived I was sad I couldn't wear it anymore. My mom surprised me and got me another sweater dress , the one I am wearing in this post, only the fabric is lighter and it has these cool epaulettes. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to shoot it properly because of the texture of the fabric: you know when people wear small stripes on TV? That's how awful my dress looked in photos taken from distance. Therefore, I leave you with a few portraits so you can at least see the details:
The only thing that always makes me smile: my golden Iphone

With one of my amazing friends, Andreea