Monday, May 28, 2012

Outfit of the day: Change of Seasons

By: Bee On: 12:26 PM
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  • ♫Sweet Thing- 'Change of Seasons'♫

    Hello, this is just a quick update because I didn't have time to shoot a proper outfit. This is just a look I wore yesterday when I went out for a walk with my family and I thought it's nice to share, even if there are barely any photos. In fact, I was thinking that this kind of 'outfit of the day' is actually something I can do on a regular basis, if you would like.

    Yes, this is how I mostly dressup nowadays, I have a thing for maxi skirts at the moment and of course, for my brand new choker necklace!!(see more details after the break). You may wonder what's up with the title. Well, first of all it's a song that I really love and, secondly, I don't know what it's like in your town, but the weather is extremely strange around here! In fact, that's why I didn't get to take more photos, because two minutes after there was a full storm and my umbrella wasn't exactly fashionable nor matching the outfit.

    What do you think about the pastels and nude tones? As I've told you before, this season really suits me, regarding the trends. 
    Have a great week and thanks for being here!

    Choker necklace (buy here) , Zara skirt, Zara flats, Marks&Spencer blouse

    Thursday, May 24, 2012

    Urban Ballerina

    By: Bee On: 10:00 PM
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  • It was a sunny day when I first saw it. I had just finished my shopping session and I was penniless when I looked behind into the Zara shopping windows and there it was! Perfect, white, with a white python print, heart-shaped and with the perfect length. I was so dissapointed because it would have matched my new nude platforms so divine!

    Two weeks later, I had the greatest chance: the anual ball organised by our highschool had a "Black&White" dress code. I managed to convince my mother of the urgent need of it (although I have plenty of black dresses but eh..I had no such thing as an white one!) and with the support of my aunt, she finally gave in.  After I bought it, I took these photos because I was ecstatic and then I went out with my family to have a lovely lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. You can see that the 'light issue' hadn't crossed my mind! What can I say, I'm so clumsy, it was all too good to be true, but I am sure you can notice the details I was talking about. The white python print is definetely my ultimate love or wait, is it the fabric- or the heart-shape?

    I like to match white with pastel and nude tones. Of course, I have also included a photo from the ball (after the break), where I chose to match it a nude Musette belt and some simple but effective pearls. Also after the break, you will find a lovely sketch of a ballerina (by S.) which was inspired by this outfit post.

    RO: Am observat că în ultimul timp numărul de cititori din România a crescut considerabil, ceea ce mă bucură nespus! V-ar plăcea să scriu postările şi în română? Dacă da, lăsa-ţi un comentariu mai jos :)

    Ah..just teasing. :D...

    Zara dress, Zara Pumps, Meli Melo scarf used as belt, Accessorize bangles& ring
     And now one of the few photos from the Ball (sorry for the bad quality):
     And the sketch I was talking about:

    Tuesday, May 22, 2012


    By: Bee On: 10:17 AM
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  • Before I start with the aim of this post, please take a look at my oh-so-wanted golden choke necklace I  have just received yesterday (you can also buy it online here). I cannot wait to show you how well it matches a particular outfit!

    Now, hello there!  Absence once again, posting in a rush once again, but this time is all about telling you that I figured out how we can keep in touch without me struggling to post on a regular basis. I'm sure you have all heard about Instagram and that plenty of you even have an account. I don't usually pick a favorite social network, but this is the one! I love being on Instagram more than anything because I can keep everyone who is interested updated and I love how I can post about the little things (like my light dinner) or the live coverage while shooting for an outfit post. I am @marymanaila there and no worries, I have figured out everything! If you don't have a phone that supports Instagram or you're just not fond of the app , you can see all the news at the web version of my profile.

    For those who didn't know about this, I am more than happy to show&tell how my  hectic week was(with photos taken from my Instagram  profile, of course):

    Here it's me matching pearls with Mademoiselle Chanel, haha. 
    This is a photo I took Friday night when I attended a fancy ball with an 'black&white' dress code. This also represents a sneak peak of the outfit I've been trying to post here for the last three days.

    This is the lovely dinner I had yesterday ! Oh, I love those sweet potatoes and refreshing strawberries for dessert! Nevertheless, tea keeps me sane :)

    Mint affair again, this time with matching lavender flats. You'll see more of this outfit in a few days , hopefully. And aw, have you noticed there's a mint ice cream in my hand?

    The most lovely print for a couch, not mine unfortunately, but still incredible!!

    Another photo from the ball, the location was divine!!!

    Incredible ice cream cake my baby sis had for her name day. It was so delicious and incredibly looking at the same time!

    Again the genius necklace.

    Well this is my life lately (@marymanaila), what about yours?

    Thursday, May 17, 2012

    Toothpaste (Minty) Kisses

    By: Bee On: 11:15 AM
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  • DSCF5975

    ♪ Toothpaste Kisses - The Maccabees ♪

    When Monday turns into Thursday - I'm not a superwoman, I wish I were but you have to accept me as I am, with my chaotical life and my constant worrying about school. I'm having a really rough time, I have a final exam tomorrow and also a ball, talking about a hectic life!

    When I look at these photos, however, I feel calm because I remember what a great time I had in the park when I shot these photos and how comfortable I felt about the fact that nobody was starring at me (as they usually do on my street).

    What can I say about my outfit? Wow, I never realised how much I am into mint! This minted tank top (and also with floral print- double trend- bang!) is one of my dearest fashion finds, so simple comfortable, chic and also cheap (I got it from Zara for 4 euros 2 years ago).

    Zara girl all the way!! Love and minty kisses, Mary

    Zara tank top, Zara denim shirt, Zara mint pants, Zara nude wedges, 33knots bracelets



    Saturday, May 12, 2012

    The thought's makin' me hazy

    By: Bee On: 12:48 PM
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  • DSCF6213blog

    ♪ Caro Emerald- That man ♪

    Why, hello there! Sorry my beloved, school has taken me over and I'm now both physically and mentally exhausted. I had no time to post, neither the mood to stay online (you may have noticed that I didn't update the facebook page nor the Instragram profile- @marymanaila). I'm positive though, I'll get through this, especially after having such an amazing day- okay, the second half of it!

    Time has come to present my favorite pants in the world! I know, I've been blogging for a year now and haven't got round to post pictures in them, such a paradox. They are called carrot pants because of the shape, they are super comfortable and I bought them from -wait for it, it's so super hard to guess- ZARA! I went for nude tones and pastels so I can emphasize my new statement necklace, which I find fabulous!

    How would you like another outfit post on Monday, just to make it up for my absence? I wish you all have a fabulous week! Enjoy life, even at its hardest and this pretty little song!

    Zara pants, Zara wedges, Marks&Spencer butterfly top, Musette belt, 33knots bracelets


    Sunday, May 6, 2012


    By: Bee On: 11:13 AM
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  • I have always loved J.D Salinger's work so when I found this book last week I felt extremely happy. Even though he didn't write many things during his entire life, all his books are incredible and must be read in a lifetime. 'Franny&Zooey' is no expection. Once you look deeper you will realise that not the religious theme is the most moving, but the technique used to describe the feeling of being lost and how important a brother can be in your life.

    Also, how sweet is this floral jacket I got from Zara two years ago? It has the most sublime texture and colors, I thought matching it with my oh-so-loved mint pants would be great!

    Have a great week everybody, mine started horrible already ( this post was somehow deleted and I had to re-write it) plus I have many exams!

    "You can't live in the world with such strong likes and dislikes."
    - J.D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey

    Zara jacket, Zara pants, Zara heels, Asos T-shirt, 33 knots bracelets




    Thursday, May 3, 2012

    Walking on a dream

    By: Bee On: 11:11 AM
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  • 2012-05-01 15.58.51
    ♪Empire of the Sun- Walking On a Dream

    I am going to reveal something. As you know, I am a highschool student and these weeks are crucial for me, with all my final exams, tests and projects to do. Still, I am proud to say I have developed a strategy, so I can still be happy and do what I like although I am super busy. Okay, I'll admit it, it meant taking hours from my sleep so far, but I'm sure I'll manage somehow!

    Seriously, I have read more books and watched more movies than I usually do when I'm on holiday! I also make time to go out with my friends! These photos were taken on Tuesday (&me posting them so soon -that's a first- ha!) when I had a blast with some of my mates.

    I wore something really comfortable and YES, that's once again the skirt on my life, sorry for featuring it here so many times, I'm just obsessed! I also added some accents which are 'in' for this season, like the mint & floral-paterned bangles and the nude wedges.

    Zara Skirt, Zara wedges, Zara Top, Zara Bag, Accessorize Bangles, Fossil watch

    2012-05-01 15.58.01 greenapple

    An incredible 'Green Apple' 


    A photo from my Instagram (@marymanaila)  with one of my best friends, D., who took these amazing shots!